Mother Mary and the White Lily

OWn this print. Buy Prints of this original painting here

Mother Mary’s message:

“Beloved, we come to you this day and all-ways to remind you of the supreme power of your expanded heart.

Life is so full of distractions and challenges and can be infused with an underlying sense of emptiness and pointlessness. Know that this feeling can arises once you have reached the open, compassionate heart stage of your journey. The compassionate heart is not directed at any one thing, any one person or event, it is an emanation of radiant light that becomes a beacon for many. Simply know that at each incremental expansion into the one heart, ALL is naturally expanded, merged and divinitised within you. Trust that you will find your new equilibrium and harmonic balance in the pause between each expansive breath.

When you feel this alone-ness, take this lilly branch as a representation of my love for you, and the divine love within your own heart. Let it speak to you in the organic language that nature has perfected. Let its shape and form and colour and fragrance surpass your fraught senses and deliver its message directly to your soul. Let it whisper its invitation. An invitation to feel peace, to extend peace and to dwell in peace. This will ensure a safe and graceful passage Home.  

For indeed you are alone. 

You are the All-One

And it is very crowded in here. 

I commend to you the army of angels that heralds the return to One Love. May you recognize yourself amidst the charge. 

I love you

I bless you

We are One

Mother Mary

Channeled through Francine, 


Own your own print of this original Blue Ray painting

Prints from $35 AUD/ 24USD 

Mother Mary, (Maryam) mother of Yeshua, daughter of Anna and wife of Yoseph (St Germain). A greatly accessible (to all) angelic presence of the highest Light who, in her last incarnation, was light conceived within the ancient Essene soul-group community. Mother Mary is the archetypal Mother of love, compassion and supreme inner strength who transcends human history and religious doctrine and simply IS unconditional and timeless cosmic Love. On Earth, she was was mother to the  ‘son of the sun,’ who would anchor the resurrection/ evolutionary ascension pathway into the akashic records through the full embodiment of his divinity. Allowing all to access. Mary and the whole Essene community assisted this sacred mission, to help hold thekeys of the Holy Mother into the Piscean age, and to demonstrate the ultimate reality that the God within us can realise it IS God. And that we all have the kingdom of heaven within. 

In this painting, Mother Mary extends a single white lily stem. Some of the lilies are open and some are in different states of opening. The lily represents rebirth and purity. Mother Mary chose the white lily and also the aqua cloak (instead of the blue often associated with her). She is inviting us to walk in our highest and purest inspiration with pristine crystalline focus. Reminding us of the Aquarian frequencies of cosmic Love, Hope and Innovation. She walks through a valley with a multitude of angels, all wearing the same aquamarine blue of the Cosmic Mother. She alights the space by radiating the Cosmic Heart from within. And I’m sure there is much more for you to tune in to!

To me, Mother Mary feels like a soft flame that gently lights up the heart and lifts me into a higher state of peace and radiating (undirected) compassionate awareness. She has come tangibly to me in times of great need, at the age of 12 and 30 specifically, and now, it is a warm hug at the slightest thought of her. Her love and divine presence is ever-present and available to all. There is a greater sense of my own wholeness/holiness within her all encompassing embrace. Her unconditional love and full faith in me inspires the best version of me to come forward: to dive a little deeper, go a little further and stretch a little higher. She assists my growing understanding of the journey into our collective Sophia-Christos embodiment, and to recognize and acknowledge the spark of divinity within others as we move into greater connectivity. My heart fills with more compassion and this can feel ‘directionless’. More like a radiance rather than directed at any one thing or person. She teaches me balance and inner strength, but mostly, she teaches me about love. I feel no need to share her words to me as she comes to each and every person, and there is no need for an intermediary. 

My Prayer, with beloved Mother Mary: 

“Pure Light Eternal, 

May the flame in my heart burn ever stronger, ever brighter, to reflect and mirror your sacred fire. May it reach new ascending heights of love and compassion so that it reaches your beckoning solar flares with increasing solar awareness. 

And may the truth if my formlessness be known as we merge hearts in infinite love, infinite light, infinite peace. I rest within your supreme radiance until I remember we are One.

And may I walk through this valley lit from within like a luminous Lilly. May I recognise this same light in everyone and everything and in the spaces between. Holding the knowing that wherever I walk, I do not walk alone as I am All-One. Unseparated in all-ways from the power, wisdom and Love of the eternal Source of All.

I stand Now as the living Light in the valley of veiled light, giving thanks to the Eternal One. 

  • Thank you for the blessed Earth beneath my feet and all that comes forth from her sacred body, including my own. 
  • Thank you for the expansive sky that shapes and reshapes my formless thoughts and lifts my mind to the stars.  

I stand now as the living union between all that is above and all that is below, transcending and transmuting through the power of the Eternal Light, I Am.  

And finally, thank you for what is seeded within my heart: infinite love and infinite intelligence and infinite possibilities. May I nurture and fertilize this seed to its full bloom. Unfolding white petals to reveal no-thing within but my upstretched arms. Take my life and flow through me, unseparated, until I dissolve and am no more. 

I claim this now, by the power of my manifestation, and in the name of Pure Source Love, I AM. 

And it is done.”

Francine Jan 15th 2023


When I realized I was going to paint a white lilly stem with some flowers blooming and others in various states of bloom, I looked up the ‘meaning of white lilly” using ChatGTP (lol, the Silicon Valley influence) and read “rebirth and purity” which made me laugh out loud. I thought it was going to say ‘peace’. Then when I sat to bring through a message from Mother Mary, instead I found myself writing this prayer. So many surprises in these new series of paintings! 

It makes perfect sense to me now that Mother Mary helped me write my heart’s prayer. She, and all the ascended masters always direct our hearts to the One, transcendent and imminent Source, rather than to themselves. They point inwards, upwards and onwards. The message: All answers lie within the One sacred heart. 

How do you personally experience the love frequency of Mother Mary? 

See more paintings and buy prints:

Image: Aqua Crystal Heart, The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation- (Lisa Renee image).

5 thoughts on “Mother Mary and the White Lily

  1. In fact, dear Francine, can you see the picture I AM using as an avatar?

    Yeshua walking between his mother and mother – this Spanish painting came to me on November 24, 2021…..

    Right out of our last session.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s interesting that you caught that sentence dear Francine ❤ this is what I was feeling yesterday. Who knows, things may be revealed soon!
        I wish you well and send you love & lots of Light

        Liked by 1 person

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